And the winners are....
Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey at Your feedback was extremely valuable and will be used to make our website even more useful for you!
So without further ado, the winners are:
Mike Strunk wins 40 acres of free soil sampling!
A free bag of seed goes to Nate Thompson!
Michael Oltjen is the winner of the high performance cooler!
And Jerry Reshke, Jeff Compton, and Dayton Menold each win an insulated travel mug!
Thanks to everyone for your feedback!

Soil temps have been on the slow rise with last few cool nights. Our 8 a.m. soil temp finally broke 50 degrees on Tuesday, April 24th but dropped overnight with cool nighttime temperatures.
Test Plots
Test plots have been going in this past week. These sites around the county will give us a good local look at hybrid performance and characteristics. Keep checking back throughout the season for reports on hybrid growth and final yield at the end of the season.
Assessing Stand Establishment
It is very important to be assessing stand emergence moving forward. Check out this video from DuPont Pioneer to learn how to assess one component of stand establishment: planting density.