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Disease Development, Storm Damage, And Supporting Graham

Writer's picture: RachelRachel

The Agronomy Advisor 6/14/18

We had a great turnout at our first Beat the Heat Summer Seminar! Breakfast was served and attendees learned about in season nitrogen, fungicide, product updates, and asked questions. Plan to join us July 17th for our next event!

Storm Damage

Portions of the county received a fair amount of storm damage. Some fields were subject to strong winds or hail resulting in leaned or snapped corn and leaf shredding from hail. If you received strong winds or hail, take time to walk in multiple spots in your field to check for any damage. If damage from hail is found, it would be wise to consider a fungicide application at tassel or within 14 days of the damage. While only bacterial diseases that cannot be treated with fungicides can enter through open wounds caused by hail, a fungicide helps maintain and maximize a clean leaf area as well as boost overall health of the plant to actively work against any bacterial infections. A study from Iowa state showed an increase in yield when applying a fungicide later in the season after hail damage. Contact us for any questions you might have on timing or necessity of a fungicide application. 

Be on the lookout for Diseases! After these recent rains, we may start to see more development of corn diseases. Most diseases need moisture and high humidity to develop. Some prefer cool temperatures, while others warmer. Check out these summaries below to learn more about several common diseases to the area:

Common Corn Rust: brick red circular to elongated pustules. Can be on both surfaces of leaves. Thrives in high humidity. Northern Corn Leaf Blight: elongated gray, green, tan lesions. Favored by high humidity and moderate to cooler temps. Gray Leaf Spot: grey/tan rectangular lesions. Starts on lower leaves first. Thrives in warm, humid, overcast conditions. Goss Wilt: bacterial disease. Infection occurs after plant injury. Has large water soaked lesions and freckles. Physoderma Brown Spot: brown and yellow freckling at base of leaves. Merge into brown purple discolorations. Usually isn't a concern economically, thrives in warm, wet weather. Southern Corn Rust: bright red/orange pustules on the upper leaf surface. Favors warm, humid weather.

As some of you might know, Jeremy and Sarah's son Graham is fighting a type of cancer called a nuroblastoma, located in his chest. Chemo has gone well so far, and the family will be headed in for some more tests before the next steps of treatment. They appreciate all your thoughts and prayers throughout this difficult journey. 

If you'd like to show your support for Graham, shirts are available through Central Children and the Shirt Shack for $15, with all proceeds going to help the Olson family. Shirts can be ordered by texting or calling Morgan Miller at 785-991-1485 or email at 

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