The Agronomy Advisor 6/28/18
Japanese Beetles
We are seeing an increased pressure of japanese beetles emerging in the last week. The threshold for treatment in soybeans is based on % defoliation. If 30% is defoliated pre bloom or 20% during reproductive stages of soybeans, treatment should be initiated. Pressure can be worse along field edges, so be sure to scout the whole field to get an accurate look at defoliation across the field. In corn, consider treatment if there are 3 or more beetles per ear or silks have been clipped to less than 1/2 inch AND the field is less than 50% pollinated. Again, be sure to scout both field edges and inside the field. If confined to just the field edges, treatment can be considered for just those areas. Follow the link below for a visual reminder of what % defoliated looks like.
Considering Foliar Fungicide in Corn?
Nitrogen School Part 3: Guest Post Cody Boeck
We posted our third part of our Nitrogen School Blog series! Head on over to the website to read what Pioneer Digital Services Manager, Cody Boeck, has to say about in season Nitrogen management with Encirca. If you missed part one, intro to nitrogen, or part two, a guest post from extension educator, Laura Thompson, follow the links below to read up!
Invitation from North Central Region SARE and Stevens' Farms:
Interested in improving nitrogen management on your farm?
Come learn how drone-based sensors can fit into this equation!
10 AM – 2 PM, Thursday July 19, 2018
Dean & Deb Stevens Farm, 70225 656 Ave, Falls City, NE 68355
Follow the link for more information and to register:
Bacterial Leaf Streak
Bacterial Leaf Streak is a newer disease to the area that was confirmed in 2016. Because of its recent advancement to the area, not a lot is known about the disease or how it may affect yields. Read a short summary of what to be looking for, and check out the article from Nebraska Farmer to learn more.
The disease is favored by wet and humid conditions. It is however different than other bacterial diseases. Common bacterial diseases to our area include Goss Wilt which results in both a leaf blight and eventual wilting of the plant. BLS does not show that same wilting process that Goss's wilt does. Visually, BLS is very different than Goss's wilt but however is often confused with Gray Leaf Spot. BLS also has long lesions, but are less defined and often described as wavy and irregular. Margins of BLS are also yellow in color and not the distinct gray/tan of GLS. If you have questions about identification of BLS, contact one of the Pederson Seed Team for assistance.